"You know, there are Italians, Germans, Chileans, there are all sorts of nationalities. As long as we see the world through a single language and through a single nationality, we're restricted.
We have to be of multinational and multilingual. Languages, nationalities and traditions are a prison - we have to free ourselves from them. Countries are like children who must grow up until becoming an only planet. The Basques, Palestinians, Israelis etc... those people who struggle for their own little identification, my God it's... This very civilization is nonsense. We're going to throw it into the trashbins of history. All these restrictions make us choose politicians who suit us well. Nobody believes in politicians anymore. We have to vote for vile people, so do I. They're all as vile as one another. There are gangsters and thieves. Nobody believes in them, or admires them, or likes them. And they would like to make you vote for them, knowing nevertheless that they are the puppets of the economy and that behind it all, there are the bankers. It has to change, it's pitiful. Masks have fallen down. They are the servants of a sick and criminal economy. Each one of them has to give his little ounce of dream to collective consciousness."
as told by Alejandro Jodorowsky to Prism-Escape
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