sábado, mayo 28, 2005

It's just another day

Yup... Just another day in this boring life of mine...

Feelings are way too fucked up. Can't seem to tune into one normal state... Happy, sad, mad... whatever... I guessed boredom has conquered.

I did decide to stop downloading music. It's better that way. Musicians do that for a living. Yeah they get lots of money for doin what they do but if you really like em - or even if you just like ONE song - you should encourage their work. I mean if I ever get to be a good photographer I would like it if people bought my pictures. That way I could eat and buy music. LOL Oh and buy the oh-so-expensive equipment!

What else do I feel like saying today?

Well it's Friday night and i'm here. Which is so totally pathetic... And tomorrow at this time where will I be? Here! Pathetic. Sleep, eat, work. Pathetic.

Friends suck! Where are they when you need em? Having FUN of course! They're no good. Exept for Jenny. She's always there when you need her. Always there to make me laugh. Jen thank you for being the bestest of friends. I miss you. Wish you were here!

Ok this is the end now... But I'll just leave you with this last quote I saw in a magazine:
"Always remember you are unique. Just like everyone else."

P-S: You are welcome to leave comments man!!! You guys just come and read and NEVER ever leave comments!!!

1 comentarios:

Jenny dijo...

You are sooo sweet ! I am totally not worthy of such sweetness lol.. U R my hero ;) xox love ya